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Switch to RSpec

Published: Oct 20th, 2020

This is part of Joyful Rails, a list of recommendations to make developing your Rails app more productive and joyful.

In this article, we are talking about switching to RSpec.


I recommend making the switch before writing any specifications.


RSpec makes it easier and more pleasant to write executable specifications for Ruby.


  1. Install Rspec. Add rspec-rails to the Gemfile in the test group and run bundle.
  2. Generate Rspec boilerplate. Run rails generate rspec:install.
  3. Configure generators to generate rspec tests. Add config.generators.test_framework = :rspec to config/application.rb.
  4. Remove fixtures. In spec/rails_helper.rb remove the line starting with config.fixture_path = .
  5. Remove minitest boilerplate. git rm -r test/.
  6. Make a commit

Test that this works by running rails generate model foo.

You should get a migration, a model file, and an RSpec spec file for the model. You should not get any Minitest files. RSpec (rspec) should run successfully.

Remove the files created by the generator.